Organic Pest Control

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles Naturally?

Discover organic solutions about how to get rid of carpet beetles in your home and garden. Natural remedies for effective pest control.

Carpet beetles, though small in size, can cause significant damage to your home and garden. These pesky insects feed on a variety of organic materials, including carpets, upholstery, and even your prized garden plants. So, how to get rid of carpet beetles naturally as resorting to chemical pesticides can have harmful effects on your health and the environment.

The most common indicator of carpet beetles in your home is finding holes in your garments, carpet, and upholstery in general. Though their name implies that they reside in your carpet, they are not picky or afraid of variation, and they will eat a wide variety of fabrics, garments, furs, and stuffed animals.

It is the larvae that cause the damage, not the adults. The next step is to learn how to get rid of them if you have bugs in your carpet and think they might be carpet beetles.

In this guide, we’ll explore effective and organic methods on how to get rid of carpet beetles and protect your home and garden.

Understanding Carpet Beetles

As their name implies, these bugs frequently live in carpets and other fabric-covered spaces. Carpet beetles are small, oval-shaped insects whose color varies based on their type, which might also depend on your region, according to the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture.

In addition to their characteristic speckled brown appearance, carpet beetles can also be seen in different colors such as red, orange, and black. It is therefore always advisable to do some study to find out which carpet beetles are present in your area.

Due to their rapid reproduction, carpet beetles can occasionally be difficult to identify when they are in the egg and larva stages. Furthermore, carpet beetle damage can occasionally be confused with moth damage.  

Organic Pest Control Methods

Thorough Cleaning

Carpet beetles, though minuscule, can wreak havoc on your home and garden. One of the most crucial and initial steps in getting rid of carpet beetles is a thorough cleaning.

These pests thrive in hidden spaces, making it imperative to address not only the visible areas but also the nooks and crannies where carpet beetle larvae often lurk.

Start by vacuuming your carpets, upholstery, and any areas where carpet beetles might be present. Pay special attention to dark and secluded spaces, such as closets and storage areas. The objective is to eliminate adult beetles and their larvae, preventing them from causing further damage to your belongings.

Consider steam cleaning for carpets and upholstery, as the high temperatures can effectively kill carpet beetle larvae. Wash and clean all clothing, bedding, and linens, ensuring that no potential hiding places are left unattended.

This comprehensive cleaning not only removes existing carpet beetles but also disrupts their life cycle, reducing the likelihood of future infestations.

Natural Predators

Introducing natural predators into your living space and garden can be a proactive and sustainable approach to carpet beetle control. Nature provides us with beneficial insects that feed on carpet beetles and their larvae, helping to maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

Ladybugs, also known as ladybirds, are voracious predators of carpet beetle eggs and larvae. Releasing these friendly insects into your home or garden can significantly reduce the carpet beetle population. Similarly, certain species of predatory beetles are effective in controlling carpet beetle infestations.

Creating a habitat that attracts these natural predators is key to their success. Planting nectar-rich flowers such as marigolds, daisies, and yarrows can entice ladybugs and other beneficial insects to make your garden their home. By fostering a diverse and insect-friendly environment, you encourage the presence of these allies in your ongoing battle against carpet beetles.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth, often abbreviated as DE, is a natural and non-toxic substance that proves highly effective in controlling carpet beetles. Composed of fossilized diatoms, DE is a fine powder that, when sprinkled in infested areas, acts as a desiccant, dehydrating and ultimately killing carpet beetles and their larvae.

To apply diatomaceous earth, identify areas of carpet beetle activity, such as along baseboards, in corners, and other hiding spots. Sprinkle the powder thinly and evenly, ensuring that it reaches the target areas. The microscopic sharp edges of diatomaceous earth particles penetrate the exoskeleton of carpet beetles, leading to their demise.

One of the advantages of using diatomaceous earth is its long-lasting effect. As long as the powder remains dry, it continues to serve as a barrier against carpet beetles. Regular reapplication may be necessary, especially in areas prone to high humidity or moisture.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have proven to be effective in repelling carpet beetles, providing a natural and aromatic solution to infestations. Oils such as cedarwood, lavender, and eucalyptus are known for their strong scents, which act as deterrents for these pesky insects.

To create an essential oil spray, mix a few drops of your chosen oil with water in a spray bottle. Shake well before use and apply the solution to affected areas, such as carpets, upholstery, and dark corners where carpet beetles may hide. The scent not only deters carpet beetles but also leaves a pleasant aroma in your living space.

Additionally, you can add essential oils to your laundry routine. When washing linens, clothing, and other fabrics, incorporate a few drops of essential oil into the detergent. This not only helps eliminate any existing carpet beetles but also acts as a preventive measure to discourage their return.

While essential oils are a natural and environmentally friendly option, it’s essential to be mindful of potential sensitivities. Test a small, inconspicuous area before applying the solution more broadly to ensure compatibility with your materials.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is a versatile and natural substance that can be used effectively to get rid of carpet beetles. This white, powdery substance is a boron compound that acts as a stomach poison for carpet beetles when ingested.

To use boric acid, sprinkle the powder in areas where carpet beetle activity is suspected, such as along baseboards, in corners, and other hiding spots. Be cautious when applying boric acid, especially in homes with children and pets. It’s advisable to keep the powder out of their reach and to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidental ingestion.

Boric acid works by clinging to the bodies of carpet beetles as they crawl through treated areas. When the beetles groom themselves, they ingest the boric acid, leading to their demise. Regular reapplication may be necessary, especially in moist areas, as boric acid is most effective when dry.

Neem Oil

Neem oil, derived from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), is a powerful natural remedy for getting rid of carpet beetles. Known for its insecticidal and repellent properties, neem oil offers a safe and eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides.

To utilize neem oil for carpet beetle control, mix it with water according to the recommended dilution instructions. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle and apply it to affected areas, such as carpets, upholstery, and corners where carpet beetles may hide. Neem oil not only kills existing beetles but also acts as a deterrent, discouraging future infestations.

The active compounds in neem oil disrupt the life cycle of carpet beetles, preventing them from reproducing. Regular application, especially in high-risk areas, ensures a sustained protective barrier against these persistent pests. Neem oil is a valuable addition to any organic pest control toolkit, promoting a healthier living environment without compromising on effectiveness.


For smaller items susceptible to carpet beetle infestations, such as clothing, rugs, and linens, freezing provides a natural and effective method of eradication. Carpet beetle larvae are sensitive to temperature extremes, and subjecting infested items to freezing temperatures can halt their life cycle.

To use freezing as a carpet beetle control method, place the infested items in sealed plastic bags and put them in the freezer. Maintain a temperature of at least -18 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit) for several days. This prolonged exposure ensures that both adult beetles and their larvae are effectively killed.

It’s crucial to note that freezing may not be suitable for larger items or items that could be damaged by moisture. However, for smaller, easily transportable belongings, this method provides an organic and non-toxic solution to carpet beetle infestations.

Sunlight Exposure

Carpet beetles thrive in dark and humid environments, making exposure to sunlight a simple yet effective method of control. Sunlight not only illuminates hidden spaces but also contributes to the reduction of moisture, creating an unfavorable environment for carpet beetles.

To harness the purifying power of sunlight, take infested items such as rugs, clothing, and bedding outdoors on a sunny day. Allow them to bask in direct sunlight for several hours. The combination of UV rays and fresh air helps eliminate carpet beetles and their larvae naturally.

For larger items that cannot be moved outdoors, reposition them to areas where they receive direct sunlight within your home. Open curtains and blinds to let natural light penetrate and reach hidden corners. Consistent exposure to sunlight can disrupt the life cycle of carpet beetles and prevent their resurgence.

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles? – FAQs

Can carpet beetles damage outdoor plants in the garden?

Yes, carpet beetles can pose a threat to outdoor plants in the garden. Their larvae feed on plant materials, including leaves and flowers. Implementing organic pest control methods such as neem oil and natural predators can help protect your garden.

Are there any natural ways to prevent carpet beetles from returning after treatment?

Answer: Absolutely! To prevent carpet beetles from returning, maintain a clean living environment, regularly vacuuming and keeping dark, secluded spaces tidy. Additionally, using essential oils like cedarwood, lavender, or eucalyptus as a deterrent can contribute to long-term prevention.

How long does it take for diatomaceous earth to eliminate carpet beetles?

Diatomaceous earth acts quickly to dehydrate and kill carpet beetles upon contact. Visible results can be observed within a few days of application. Reapply as needed to ensure continued protection against carpet beetle infestations.

Can I use boric acid to get rid of carpet beetles on carpets and rugs?

Yes, boric acid is an effective natural remedy for eliminating carpet beetles on carpets and rugs. Sprinkle boric acid in areas where beetle activity is suspected, such as along baseboards and in corners. However, use caution to keep it away from children and pets.

Are there any plants that naturally repel carpet beetles from the garden?

Yes, certain plants have natural repellent properties against carpet beetles. Planting herbs like mint, rosemary, and thyme can help deter carpet beetles from infesting your garden. These aromatic plants act as a natural barrier, keeping the beetles at bay.


Taking a natural and organic approach how to get rid of carpet beetles not only protects your home and garden but also ensures the well-being of your family and the environment.

By incorporating these methods into your pest management routine, you can effectively get rid of carpet beetles and maintain a healthy, pest-free living space. Remember, consistency is key, so regular monitoring and preventive measures will help you keep these pesky intruders at bay.

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