Gardening for Beginners

PHS Reveals The Top 8 Gardening Trends 2024

Discover the latest gardening trends for 2024! Explore innovative and sustainable practices shaping the gardening landscape this year.

As the 2023 gardening season comes to a close, The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) highlights the top gardening trends 2024. PHS, a national gardening leader and creator of the world-renowned PHS Philadelphia Flower Show, is frequently sought after as a source of inspiration and trendsetting in gardening and horticulture.

These landscaping and gardening trends 2024 are based on what we’ve seen at conferences, exhibitions, personal and public gardens, and interactions with specialists. They are an excellent way for gardeners to be inspired and to gain a sense of what professionals at the cutting edge of the business are doing in their own gardens.

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned expert, these trends and plant selections can breathe fresh life into your area in an approachable way, according to Andrew Bunting, PHS’s Vice President of Horticulture.

About The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS), a nonprofit organization formed in 1827, uses horticulture to improve the health and well-being of the Greater Philadelphia Region. PHS initiatives improve people’s living conditions, boost access to fresh food, promote access to jobs and economic opportunity, and establish deeper social connections.

PHS’s work encompasses 250 communities, an extensive network of public gardens and landscapes, year-round learning opportunities, and the Philadelphia Flower Show, the nation’s premier gardening event. PHS offers opportunities for everyone to plant for the greater good as a participant, member, donor, or volunteer.

The entire list of PHS gardening trends 2024 can be found below.

Gardening While Keeping The Environment In Mind

Garden trends that prioritize the environment are part of this trend. As part of the PHS theme of “Gardening for the Greater Good,” here are a few ways latest trends in gardening can promote environmental stewardship:

  • In the fall, movements such as “Leave the Leaves” assist reduce landfill garbage.
  • Converting two-cycle gas engines (such as blowers and lawn mowers) to battery-powered machines minimizes carbon emissions.
  • Making overwintering insect habitats by not cutting back perennials in the fall provides refuge and food for insects and animals. “Rewilding” is the process of transforming parts of a lawn into meadows using eco-friendly species.
  • Using peat-free potting soils could help reduce peat harvesting demand. Many animals, insects, and plants rely on peat bogs for wetland habitat, and harvesting harms these crucial ecosystems.
  • Purchasing companies that specialize on native plants, such as American Beauties, can increase garden biodiversity while using fewer resources, such as water and fertilizers.

Fruit Cultivation At Home

Home fruit cultivation is a rewarding and sustainable practice, allowing individuals to enjoy fresh, organic produce right from their backyard. Whether in small gardens or on balconies, cultivating fruits at home is feasible and fulfilling. With careful planning and proper care, a variety of fruits such as strawberries, citrus, and dwarf apple trees can thrive in pots or small plots.

This not only promotes self-sufficiency but also provides a hands-on learning experience for enthusiasts. Homegrown fruits boast enhanced flavor and nutritional value, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. Engaging in fruit cultivation at home fosters a connection with nature and the joy of harvesting one’s bounty.

Fruit growing at home has become popular among those with yard space as well as those with container space. Gardeners are motivated to add some sweetness to their gardens as a pleasant and low-maintenance alternative to growing veggies!

  • Plant Options – Asian persimmons such Diospyros kaki ‘Saijo,’ ‘Fuyu,’ or the native persimmons, Diospyros virginiana, and the native pawpaw, Asimina triloba have been gaining favor as alternatives to the more typical pears, apples, and peaches for those with yard space. New options for container fruit growing include Bushel and Berry blueberries, Fignomenal dwarf figs, and Sweet KissTM strawberries, which are high yielding, compact, decorative, and self-pollinating plants for the home garden.

Using Houseplants To Decorate

Integrating houseplants into interior decor not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also brings numerous benefits to indoor spaces. The lush greenery adds a touch of nature, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere. Houseplants, such as snake plants and pothos, act as natural air purifiers, improving indoor air quality.

Their diverse shapes and sizes allow for creative placement, complementing various design styles. From hanging planters to stylish pots, incorporating houseplants into decor fosters a sense of well-being and reduces stress. Additionally, the act of caring for these plants can be a therapeutic and fulfilling aspect of home life, creating a harmonious blend of beauty and functionality.

Houseplants continue to dominate as a source of décor, and the term “plant parent” has become widely used! Companies and retailers are focused on education in order to accommodate all levels of “plant parenting” with simple directions for success.

Popular houseplants in 2024 include the low-light loving, distinctive foliage aroids (Monstera, pothos, Anthurium, Epipremnum, Alocasia, and Philodendron) and the easy-care mother-in-law’s-tongue, Sansevieria. Proven Winners, a popular brand, has launched lifestyle house plant collections (Leaf Joy AtriumTM Collection and Leaf Joy CocoonTM Collection) that take the guesswork out of determining perfect circumstances for plants, providing easy-to-access information to ensure plants thrive.

Obtaining Environmental Certifications

Obtaining environmental certifications is crucial for home gardeners committed to sustainability and responsible practices. These certifications, like ISO 14001 or LEED, validate dedication to minimizing its environmental impact. Rigorous standards ensure adherence to eco-friendly policies, resource efficiency, and waste reduction.

Achieving such certifications not only enhances a gardener’s reputation but also attracts environmentally conscious consumers and partners. It signifies a commitment to ethical business practices, fostering long-term environmental stewardship. Certification processes often involve comprehensive audits, encouraging continuous improvement. 

Home gardens are increasingly being used to draw attention to the broader nature-based movement. Why not get some public appreciation for your efforts as a gardener who works hard to curate their gardens? Several organizations currently offer ecological certifications for residential gardens. Among these programs are:

  • National Park Made in America
  • Habitat Registration for Monarch Watch Waystations
  • Wildlife Habitat Certification by the National Wildlife Federation
  • Pollinator Friendly Garden, Penn State Extension Service

Establishing Pollinator-Friendly Landscapes

Establishing pollinator-friendly landscapes is a vital initiative to support biodiversity and ecosystem health. By cultivating gardens rich in native plants and flowers, individuals and communities create habitats that attract and sustain pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

These landscapes contribute to the preservation of essential pollination services, crucial for agricultural productivity and maintaining plant diversity. Avoiding pesticides and incorporating a variety of blooming plants with staggered flowering times ensures a continuous food source for pollinators.

The effort to establish pollinator-friendly spaces promotes environmental sustainability, fosters local ecosystems, and raises awareness about the importance of preserving these crucial contributors to our natural world.

Pollinator gardens provide habitat and food for native pollinators such as bees, wasps, moths, and butterflies such as the iconic monarch butterfly. The use of these plants in gardens is increasing, as is public awareness of the critical ecological roles that pollinators offer. Gardeners are increasingly using bee habitats such as “bee hotels” and leaving or stacking stems from perennials to give suitable overwintering habitats for pollinators.

Plant options include Pycnanthemum, mountain mint, Eutrochium (syn. Eupatorium) Joe-pye weed, Liatris, gayfeathers, Echinacea, coneflowers, and Asclepias, milkweeds, which will boost the diversity of garden pollinators.

Global Climate Change Mitigation

Gardeners play a pivotal role in global climate change mitigation by adopting sustainable practices that reduce their environmental footprint. Choosing native plants, which are adapted to local conditions, enhances biodiversity and resilience. Employing organic gardening methods minimizes chemical usage, preserving soil health and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

Water conservation through efficient irrigation practices and capturing rainwater further contributes to climate resilience. Carbon sequestration is facilitated by planting trees and perennial crops. Composting organic waste enriches soil while reducing methane emissions from landfills. Educating and inspiring others, gardeners become advocates for environmentally conscious habits, collectively fostering a greener, climate-resilient planet through their horticultural endeavors.

Gardeners can help mitigate the effects of changing weather patterns, such as more drought and hotter summers, by planting more heat and drought tolerant southern native species. Climate change mitigation techniques include strategically selecting species for drought resistance, adopting waterwise gardening practices, and utilizing gravel gardens, rain gardens, or swale gardens.

Mexican dogwood, Cornus florida subsp. urbiniana, and more plants are available. Magnolia grandiflora, southern magnolia, willow oak, Quercus phellos, and Florida anise, Illicium floridanum, are also ideal alternatives for heat and drought tolerance genetics.

The Use Of Boxwood Replacements

In response to concerns about boxwood blight and the ecological impact of traditional landscaping, gardeners are increasingly turning to boxwood replacements. Alternatives like hollies, ilex, or dwarf conifers provide similar aesthetic appeal without the disease susceptibility.

These substitutes offer diverse textures, colors, and growth habits, allowing for creative and resilient garden designs. Embracing native and disease-resistant plants promotes biodiversity, reduces environmental stress, and ensures a vibrant garden ecosystem. By adopting boxwood replacements, gardeners contribute to sustainable landscaping practices, fostering both the health of their gardens and the broader ecological balance.

Boxwood blight is a persistent fungal problem for many gardeners who value boxwoods as an easy-to-care-for and long-lasting evergreen. Boxwood blight is difficult to control in the garden, and because it spreads swiftly, many plants die or are weakened. As a result, gardeners are beginning to consider different methods of preventing potential boxwood blight.

Plant Options: Some excellent substitutes include inkberry holly, Ilex glabra Strongbox, Gem Box, Proven Winners, and Squeeze Box. Better Boxwood also promotes boxwoods that have been bred to be resistant to blight, such as SkylightTM, RenaissanceTM, HeritageTM, and Babylon BeautyTM.

Increasing The Number Of Grasses And Sedges Planted

Elevating garden sustainability, there’s a growing trend in increasing the use of grasses and sedges. Beyond their ornamental charm, these plants contribute to resilient, low-maintenance landscapes. Native grasses like switchgrass and sedges such as Carex varieties offer diverse textures, colors, and ecological benefits.

They stabilize soil, reduce erosion, and require less water than traditional ornamentals. Moreover, these plants support local ecosystems, providing habitats for beneficial insects. Their adaptability to various climates makes them versatile choices for eco-conscious gardeners. By incorporating more grasses and sedges, gardeners not only enhance aesthetics but also contribute to environmental conservation and biodiversity.

Grasses and sedges remain popular garden plants, serving both attractive and ecological functions. Famous garden designers like as Piet Oudolf, Claudia West, Kelly Norris, Roy Diblick, Jeff Epping, and others have popularized the usage of these species, putting grasses and sedges to the foreground of design rather than being just filler. While decorative grasses have been popular for nearly three decades, their importance in native plant and pollinator gardens has expanded.

Wood’s sedge, Carex woodii; Cherokee sedge, Carex cherokeenis; common brome sedge, Carex bromoides; white-tinge sedge, Carex albicans; and the ever popular Pennsylvania sedge, Carex pensylvanica are some top performing sedges. Intrinsic Perennials’ new grasses include two selections of the small bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium ‘small Red’ and ‘Sandhill,’ and two selections of the big bluestem, Andropogon gerardii ‘Blackhawks’ and ‘Holy Smoke.’

Gardening Trends 2024 – FAQs

How Can I Incorporate Technology Into My Garden Based On 2024 Trends?

Smart gardening tools, automated irrigation systems, and gardening apps are trending in 2024, providing tech-savvy solutions for efficient and connected gardening.

What Are The Key Sustainable Practices In Gardening For 2024?

Sustainable gardening in 2024 emphasizes water conservation, native plant choices, and organic gardening methods to reduce environmental impact.

Are There Specific Plant Varieties Trending In 2024 For Modern Gardens?

Yes, trending plant varieties for 2024 include resilient native grasses, succulents, and innovative hybrids that thrive in diverse climates.

How Can I Create An Eco-friendly Garden According To Garden Media Group Trends 2024?

Eco-friendly garden designs in 2024 focus on incorporating native plants, maximizing green spaces, and integrating sustainable landscaping practices.

Are There Recommendations For Small-space Gardening Based On 2024 Trends?

Yes, 2024 trends include vertical gardening, compact plant varieties, and creative container gardening ideas for maximizing small spaces.

Final Thoughts

As we delve into gardening trends for 2024, it’s evident that a transformative wave is sweeping through the horticultural landscape. The focus on sustainability, innovation, and eco-conscious practices is steering gardening into a new era. Embracing technology, diverse plant choices, and mindful landscaping, the backyard trends 2024 offer a roadmap for creating vibrant, resilient, and environmentally friendly gardens.

As enthusiasts and professionals alike adopt these progressive approaches, the gardening experience becomes not only aesthetically enriching but also a powerful contributor to ecological balance. Embrace the evolving trends to cultivate a greener, more sustainable future right in your backyard.

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